Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 26 (Final Study) - A Time Such as This

Key #7 – God Prospers Us to Give Not Have More

Esther 4:14
• Esther had a position of privilege and that brought with it the responsibility to act in the interest of others as a result of that position
• God does raise up certain people at certain times for certain situations
• Do you have food, clothing, shelter, a car, running water, uninterrupted electricity, electronic equipment, etc.?
• Then you are among the most privileged people in the world
• Why has God entrusted you with such wealth?
• For a time such as this?

• Do you feel that God has entrusted you with a relatively great privilege compared to most people in the world?
• What convictions have you gained about what you can do with the things that God has entrusted to you?

2 Corinthians 9:11
• Is this the position that God has put you in, for a time such as this?
• Is God calling you to be a more generous giver?
• You’ve heard of prayer warriors. Is God calling you to be a giving warrior?
• We simply don’t know how long our prosperity will last. Why not invest in God’s Kingdom with the abundance we have while we still can?

Acts 20:35
• How does this verse challenge you personally?
• What do you feel that God is putting on your heart when you read this verse?
• Giving is a large part of doing what we were made for which is to love God and our neighbors (Matt. 22:36-40)
• Giving boldly affirms Christ’s lordship
• Giving is a blessed act that leads to joy

• How much is God calling you to give in tithes?
• How much is God calling you to give in freewill offerings?
• How much is God calling you to give to the poor?
• How much of your time, energy, and wisdom is God calling you to give to others?

• Only by listening to God and his word can you answer the question of how much he has called you to give.
• Have you spent a significant amount of time seeking the answers to the questions of how much God wants you to give?
• Are you prepared to follow through on the answers that God gives you?

God uses money for our benefit in various ways:
1. God uses money to strengthen our trust in Him. It is often through money that God can clearly and objectively show us that He is in total control, if we will trust Him and accept our positions as stewards and managers of His possessions (see Matthew 6:32-33).

2. God uses money to develop our trustworthiness. This principle is important because our lives generally revolve around making, spending, saving, and using money. If He can trust us with money, He can trust us with greater responsibilities and His true riches (see Luke 16:11).

3. God uses money to prove His love. Scripture tells us that God assumes the responsibility of providing the basic necessities for everyone who trusts in Him (see Matthew 7:11). By transferring all money to Him, He often uses money to meet those necessities of life.

4. God uses money to demonstrate His faithfulness. Moses reminded Israel that it was God who would give them the power to make wealth. Our security is in God, not in our bank accounts. Discovering His faithfulness though financial needs encourages reliance on Him.

5. God uses money to unite Christians in blessings. God will use the abundance of one Christian to supply the needs of another. Surplus money in our lives has been given by God for the purpose of helping those who are in need.

6. God uses money to provide direction. There is probably no way God can direct our lives more meticulously than through the abundance or lack of money. Too often we believe God directs our lives through the abundance of money, but He also will lead us by withholding money.

7. God uses money to cultivate self-control. One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control, a key aspect of successful money management.

8. God uses money to clarify spiritual maturity. Many temptations clamor for Christians' attention. A great deal can be learned about our personal character and spiritual maturity by noticing how we handle money and determine financial priorities.

God will not use money to:
1. Worry us. If Christians are worried, frustrated, and upset about money, God is not in control. God said that wealth without worry is His plan for our lives. In addition, He promises to meet the needs of those who trust in Him (see Matthew 6:25).

2. Corrupt us. Many Christians have fallen into Satan's trap and are being corrupted. Christians whose financial life is characterized by greed, ego, deceit, and other worldly snares are at enmity with God and His plan.

3. Build egos. Frequently, Christians are trapped by financial ego in that they use money in an attempt to build self-worth and ego. However, in Christ all are financially equal because all wealth will pass away. What will remain will be those things that have been laid up in heaven—the true wealth.

4. To satisfy our personal whims or desires. God does not expect His people to live in poverty; however, He also does not endorse lavishness. Surplus is provided so that God's work can be funded and those in need can be helped. If the surplus is hoarded or wasted on lavishness rather than used for His plan and purpose, chances are the surplus will be removed.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 25 - Spur One Another

Key #7 – God Prospers Us to Give Not Have More

Romans 12:6-8
• What are the different spiritual gifts that Paul lists here?
• Have you ever thought about giving as being a gift?
• Giving is, perhaps, the least thought about gift of this list
• Of course, all of us are called to serve, show mercy, and give, even if we don’t have those specific “gifts”
• Imagine that God chose this time to fulfill his plan of evangelizing the world in a way that he hasn’t for many generations
• What gift would you expect him to distribute widely among his people?
• Perhaps the gift of giving?
• And what might you expect him to provide for those to whom he’s given that gift?
• Perhaps unprecedented wealth to meet all those needs and further his kingdom?
• Look around at the United States – We have a country with unprecedented wealth and an ethic to give to others but also an ethic to spend lavishly on ourselves
• The question is: what are we going to do with the wealth that God has entrusted to us to reach the lost and help the suffering?
• We know what happens when people have the gift of teaching, encouraging, leadership and so on
• Rarely do we hear of stories of people truly excelling in the art of giving, although there are examples

• Have you ever prayed for the gift of giving?
• Do you constantly look for ways that you can give to others?

Hebrews 10:24
• How can we apply this passage to the art of giving?
• It’s common in a discipling time to ask someone how is their marriage, their Bible study, their sexual purity, their evangelism, etc.
• How often do we ask, “How much are you giving to Lord?” or “Are you winning the battle against materialism?”
• We seem to operate under a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy when it comes to giving
• If I don’t ask you, you won’t ask me and then neither of us will have to sacrifice
• How can a young Christian in the church learn to give?
• How can he know what giving looks like in the life of a believer captivated fully by Christ?
• How can a young Christian know any better than the normal materialism in which we were all reared?
• Shouldn’t we be asking how we can spur one another on towards giving?

• What can you do to spur others on to escape the materialism of our culture and to give more generously to God’s Kingdom and to invest in treasures in heaven?

2 Corinthians 8:7-8
• Many might warn that we don’t want to compare each other’s giving
• But Paul tells the Corinthians of the Macedonian’s giving so as to motivate them
• We don’t want to embarrass anyone or shame them into giving but we do need to try to out-give one another
• Isn’t that just spurring one another on?
• Don’t we need to help each other raise the bar of giving so we can learn to jump higher
• We have to balance not giving to be seen by others (Matt. 6:1) and avoid pride with the fact that Jesus said to do good deeds so that others may see and praise God (Matt. 5:16)
• We have hidden giving under a basket and as a result we’re not teaching Christians to give
• Many are lacking joy and purpose because of our lack of proper understanding of the role of giving in our lives

1 Chronicles 29:6-9
• The people could only rejoice because they knew how their leaders had given
• They could follow their leaders’ example in giving only because they knew how much they had given
• Unless we learn how to humbly tell each other our giving stories, our churches will never reach their full potential in giving

• Is it your desire to excel in the gift of giving?
• Is this a gift that you seek from God and constantly seek to develop in your life?
• Do you see the need to talk about giving with one another so that we might help and spur one another on?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 24 - Delivery Man

Key #7 – God Prospers Us to Give Not Have More

2 Corinthians 9:10-11
• God has given most of us considerable material blessings especially when judged from the prism of all human history
• Have you ever wondered why he has provided you with so much?
• What is Paul’s answer to that question here?
• Paul says that we have been made rich in every way so that . . .
• Prosperity gospel would finish that sentence thusly, “so that we might live in wealth, showing the world how much God blesses those who love him.”
• But Paul says that it is so that we can be generous on every occasion
• We aren’t given money to indulge ourselves, to get more, or to spoil our children; it’s so we can give generously
• When God provides more money it is a blessing but it’s also a test
• We are God’s money managers and he is generous
• He doesn’t demand we live in poverty or keep us from spending reasonably on ourselves
• We need to be very careful to not cross the line of reasonable to where we are encroaching on the master’s generosity

• Do you see the purpose of the blessings that you have to be so that you can give more generously?
• How does embracing the idea of being given to so that we can give change the normal view of handling our wealth?

1 Corinthians 4:1-2
• We are required to prove faithful with everything that God has given us in Christ
• There’s a point where we can go beyond spending what’s reasonable and start squandering money that is not meant for us on ourselves
• We are God’s delivery men and women and we should keep that in mind when setting our own salaries and living expenses
• Let’s not over estimate our value
• We don’t own the store, we just work here

2 Corinthians 8:14-15
• Imagine if you gave a UPS guy a package and he took it home and opened it up for himself?
• Just because God puts his money in our hands doesn’t mean he intends for it to stay there

• Do you truly keep your eyes on the fact that you are God’s delivery man or woman or do you sometimes being to act like the things that God has given you are all for you?

Proverbs 30:8-9
• God doesn’t want us to have too much or too little
• God distributes wealth unevenly not because he loves some more than others but so that his children can share in the mutual benefit of humbly giving and humbly receiving
• Abundance isn’t God’s provision for me to live in luxury but to help others
• God entrusts me with his money not to build my own castle but to build his Kingdom

• Are you eager to plant God’s money in the field of a world that badly needs Jesus?
• Does the thought of sharing the abundance that God has given you motivate you or challenge you?

• What will be your legacy? Will you use what God has given you to give and be a good steward to give yourself even more opportunities to give?
• Will your legacy be as someone who invested greatly in the world or as someone who invested greatly in the Kingdom?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 23 - Don't Grow Weary

Key #6 – Giving is the Antidote to Materialism

Luke 6:38
• The context of this verse has to do with giving God’s love and forgiveness but certainly the principle also applies to giving of our time, energy, resources, and finances to God and to others for the cause of God’s Kingdom
• The more we give, the more we will receive in spiritual blessing from God because giving is a sign of our obedience and our openness to see the need to receive from God

“Money never stays with me. It would burn me if it did. I throw it out of my hands as soon as possible, lest it should find its way into my heart” - John Wesley

• Wesley’s goal was to give so generously that he left virtually nothing behind despite the fact that he made much money during his life from book royalties
• When Christ returns what will happen with all of the money sitting in bank accounts and retirement programs? What will happen with all of the possessions that we have?
• All of those things that people spent so much time and energy in obtaining and maintaining will be of no value
• In that sense, life is like a game of Uno. The one with the most cards in his hand at the end of the game is actually the loser not a winner

Proverbs 22:6

“The almighty dollar left to a child is an almighty curse. No man has the right to handicap his son with such a burden as great wealth” - Andrew Carnegie

• But what about our children some might ask? Shouldn’t we leave them all of our money?
• The simple answer is “no”
• We should leave them enough to be of modest assistance (and to help them through school, etc.) but not enough to change their lifestyle or undercut their need to work hard, plan, and trust God
• Leaving a large inheritance to children is not only missed opportunities to invest in God’s Kingdom . . . .
• It is also not in the child’s best interests
• Investing in God’s Kingdom more and leaving less to our children is not just an act of love toward God but is an act of love towards their best interests so that they can learn to trust and sacrifice just as we had to learn
• Let God decide how to provide for our children
• After all, your money doesn’t belong to your children but to God

• Do you spend more time preparing a financial heritage or a spiritual heritage for your children?
• Do you actively allow your children to experience things like sacrifice and trust that are so vital in the Kingdom of God?

Galatians 6:9
• The context of this passage includes giving gnerously

• How do you strive to not become weary in doing good in all areas of your life?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 22 - Above and Beyond

Key #6 – Giving is the Antidote to Materialism

2 Corinthians 8:7
• What do you think it means to excel in the grace of giving?
• Have you ever thought of giving as a skill?
• A skill is something that you can improve in with practice, thus, giving is a skill
• We can definitely learn to give more often and more strategically
• We pursue excellence in our jobs, sports, etc.
• Why not pursue excellence and improvement in our giving?
• Why not make giving something we study, discuss, and sharpen, striving for improvement and excellence?

2 Corinthians 8:3
• What does it mean to give beyond your ability?
• It doesn’t mean giving yourself into debt or giving foolishly
• It means pushing your giving past the point where the figures add up and having faith that God will provide

• Do you desire to excel in the skill of giving?
• Do you strive to constantly improve your giving and your creativity and ability to give?
• Do you desire, like the Macedonians, to give beyond your apparent ability?

• To excel in giving and give beyond your means is the act of constantly seeking to go further in your giving that it seems like you could
• For instance:
• A man named Scott Lewis was at a conference where people were challenged to give 1 million dollars for the cause of the great commission
• He only made $50,000 a year, although he had given 35% ($17,000) in tithes and offerings
• He made it his goal to give $50,000 the next year
• He decided to trust God to do the impossible
• God provided in many ways and with an incredible December provision, Scott and his wife were able to give $50,000 that year
• The next year they set a goal of $100,000 and God provided again
• Within a few years they were giving a million dollars per year and have continued to increase
• We don’t all have to achieve such an incredible amount to excel in giving but is there any reason that we shouldn’t have the same heart and the same type of faith?
• That is what excelling in the grace of giving means

Luke 19:5-15
• Someone might ask, “When should we begin giving like this?”
• How soon do you want to experience God’s blessing?
• How soon do you want to contribute as generously as you can to his Kingdom?
• How soon should we start obeying God?
• What better investment could there be than God’s Kingdom?
• When did Zaccheus start giving according to the principles of God’s Kingdom?
• When we procrastinate we run the very real risk of allowing our hearts to get even more invested in earthly things rather than Kingdom things

• Do you have specific goals and a specific plan to excel in the act of giving?

• Do you believe it is important to have a specific goal and plans to excel in giving?
• Are you willing to take immediate steps to make a goal and plan (if you haven’t already done so)?

To read or make comment read more:

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 21 - First Things First

Key #6 – Giving is the Antidote to Materialism

Malachi 3:8
• Notice that God says the Israelites robbed him by not only withholding the mandatory tithes but also withholding their voluntary offerings
• By giving less in their freewill offerings than he expected of those who were truly grateful for what he had done for them, they were also robbing God
• If they could rob God with insufficient freewill offerings, can’t we do the same today?
• God expects each of us to give what we can to reflect what is really in our heart

Deuteronomy 16:10
• God called his people to give in proportion to how much he had blessed them
• This doesn’t apply just to finances as in the OT times because God has blessed us spiritually in every way; it applies to our time, energy, resources, finances, possessions, wisdom, etc.

• Do you have a heart to give beyond a minimum amount and to arrange your life in such a way that you can give as much and as consistently as possible throughout your life to the Kingdom of God and the ways in which God desires us to use your resources?

Deuteronomy 16:16-17
• The principle of this passage that is applicable for us is that there is never an excuse to not give to God
• No matter what kind of year you have had, God expects us to give
• Giving to God wisely, despite the circumstances, demonstrates faith in God rather than in our wealth
• Our goal should be to start with a tithe and then give generously from our heart, with a goal to reach 11, 12, 13, 15, 20% and beyond
• Tithing starts us on the road to giving, it’s not our destination
• God is looking for people who are generous in heart and recognize that he has given us everything we have so the more we can give back, the better

• What is your specific goal in giving to God and the poor in the next year; the next five years; the next ten years; etc.?

Malachi 3:10
• This is not a promise for us that God will make us rich if we give but we can be assured that he will provide our needs and will bless our lives with everything we need
• Many of us rob ourselves of God’s blessing because we lack faith and we make and pay debt before giving to God

Haggai 1:9-11
• What is the important principle here for us today?
• If we pay our debt to God first, then he will provide for us to pay off our debts to men
• But when we rob God to pay men, we rob ourselves of trusting God and experiencing the fullness of his blessing
• It can be a vicious cycle that takes obedient faith to break out of
• Some might say that they can’t afford to tithe but is that true?
• When your income was 10% less than it is today did you starve?
• If your income was reduced by 10% would you be sunk or would you be able to cut back and survive?
• If you could then should realize that you could tithe, you just perhaps don’t want to
• But it is much better to live on 90% or 80% or 70% of your income inside the will of God than it is to live on 100% of your income outside of the will of God
• God’s new covenant people are not bound by a law of tithe but if anything that means we are free to give far beyond a tithe rather than less
• 2 Corinthians 8:7 says to “excel in the grace of giving”
• Is that your desire?

• If you are not at least tithing do you see your need to repent and start giving?
• If you are already tithing or beyond then is it your heart to find creative ways that you can continue to increase your giving?
• Do you truly have the desire to store up treasures in heaven and not on earth?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 20 - Where to Start

Key #6 – Giving is the Antidote to Materialism

Leviticus 27:30
• The meaning of the word tithe is “a tenth part”
• Ten percent of everything they earned was to be given back to God
• That 10% was “holy” to the Lord. It was set apart and was not theirs to keep. If they did keep it God considered it stealing from him.
• There were other freewill offering too, but the 10% was mandatory for people who were going to be part of God’s people

Proverbs 3:9
• Honoring the Lord is giving the Firstfruits
• God’s people give him first not last
• It wasn’t the leftovers at the end of the crop, it was the first and best of the crop that was given to God

• Is your first priority with your salary to give to God?
• Does he get your Firstfruits?

Malachi 3:8-10• When his children weren’t giving in this manner God called it robbery
• It is important to remember that God didn’t “need” their tithes. The tithe was for their benefit

• Have you been robbing God by not giving him your first and best?

Matthew 23:23
• Jesus validated the tithe on even small things but criticized the fact that they tithed without following the heart of the law of giving to God. They needed to tithe of their wealth but also give of themselves and their heart.
• What God really wants is for us to give our whole selves to him. We fail to do that if we aren’t willing to give financially to him but we also fail to do that if we only give financially so that we don’t have to give of ourselves
• Some argue that there is no mention of tithing after the Gospels
• That’s true but it is also true that tithing by God’s people is never revoked
• A quick perusal of Genesis shows that giving to God predated the law. It was included in the law as well but this shows that the principle of giving lies outside of the law and is not limited to it
• Every example of New Testament giving actually goes far beyond the tithe; it never falls short of that
• Everything about the New Covenant is that God’s people, because of their gratitude and the guiding of the Spirit, have the ability to go far beyond the confines of the law, never below
• The New Testament does not mandate things as the law does because we are to do those things from our heart rather than because we are following the law

Matthew 5:27-28
• Jesus didn’t lower the standard of the OT by shifting the focus to our heart, he actually demands more of us
• The tithe is God’s historical method to get us on the path of giving
• The tithe starts to break the grip that materialism has on our lives
• In that sense, it can serve as a gateway to the joy of giving today
• The tithe is not a place to stop, it is the place to start; it is the floor of giving not the ceiling; the starting blocks not the finish line
• The tithe can be the training wheels to launch us into the minds-set, skills, and habits of giving

• What has been your view of giving a tithe to God?
• Do you see the tithe as meeting an obligation to God or as the starting point opportunity to give back generously to God?

• If you don’t already, will you embrace the conviction to give to God your first and best rather than what is left over?
• Is it your conviction to constantly pray for the ability and work towards the opportunity to give more and more to God rather than just trying to meet a minimum standard and never going any further?