Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 1 - Inseparable

Matthew 13.44-46
• Imagine walking all day in the hot sun when you decided to take a shortcut through a field hoping to get to your destination and find some water
• Suddenly you trip over a partially buried box
• What would you be thinking as you dropped to your knees and began out of curiosity to dig up the box?
• As you pull it out and wipe the dirt off you realize that it is made of gold
• As you open it you realize that it contains the most valuable treasure you could ever imagine
• What would your response be? Would you be willing to part with your current possessions so that you could purchase that field and obtain the treasure?
• Would every step you took be with that treasure in mind?
• This would be a radical paradigm shift
• This can give us a vivid image of surrendering lesser “treasures” in order to find a greater one

• Some biblical experts estimate that 15% of everything Jesus said somehow related to the topics of money and possessions
• Why do you think Jesus put such an emphasis on these topics?
• Is there a fundamental connection between our spiritual lives and how we think about and handle money and possessions?
• Why do you think so many of us want to separate our faith from our finances?

Luke 3.7-14
• John is asked what the people must do if they want to bear the fruit of repentance
• What are the three answers that he gives in vv. 11, 13, & 14?
• Do you notice that all three answers relate to possessions even though no one asked him about that?
• They wanted to know how to demonstrate the fruit of spiritual transformation and John lets them know that our approach to possessions and money is central to our spiritual lives
• The way we handle money and our possessions is a large part of the evidence of our spiritual hearts

• Do you agree with John that there is an integral connection between our treasures and our spiritual condition?
• What is your attitude about that connection?
Luke 19.1-8
• How did Zacchaeus demonstrate that his heart had truly been transformed?
• What is Jesus’ response to Zacchaeus’ gesture?

• Why was his response with his money absolutely necessary?
• What would you think about Zacchaeus’ heart and transformation if he did not do what he did with his money?
• How has becoming a Christians changed your heart and attitude towards money and possessions?

• Do you believe that there is an intimate connection between spiritual transformation and our attitudes towards money and possessions?
• Is the Kingdom of God really like that treasure in a field for you?
• Has finding the Kingdom shifted your paradigm of what is important and what is valuable in your life? How so?


  1. The verses in today's quiet time definitely challenged me to make a connection that I'm not prone to take. I don't necessarily like talking or even thinking about financial matters, and for years thought that I could separate my spiritual life from anything to do with finances or possessions. I am challenged to realize that rather than separating these things, Jesus challenged us to see the connection between all areas of my life and my spiritual walk. Everything is spiritual.

  2. Finances are something that is easy for us to think about because it is something that we can place a number and determine if we are doing good or bad. Most of us think about our finances multiple times a day. I think that Jesus wanted us to view the kingdom as being that tangible.

  3. I can really see a connection between when I am being disciplined with our money and how much "fruit" I see being produced in the rest of my life.

  4. I have found over the years how important managing my finances can be. When I don't plan financially, I find myself consumed with worry and insecurity, leaving little room for God to work. For me, having a financial plan gives me peace. Knowing that I am being financially responsible with what God has given me, leaves room in my heart for God to work.

  5. Finances can easily become a worry when focus is on what others have and what we don't, etc. Hyperfocusing on the finances and wants/needs(what I think they are) can rob ones joy. I work on trying to focus on what is "spiritual" and try not to look too much at the "financial". God has given me everything I need and a lot of wants/desires. Sometimes without even asking. My joy level is higher when my focus is on being content with whatever God decides to bring my way for a day. Sometimes the joy comes after a wresting match. It usually depends on my surrender level.
